Newbridge Leisure Centre Pool Admission Policy
Newbridge Leisure Centre Pool Admission Policy
In the interest of the safety of your child, we operate an age restriction policy for the swimming pool. This policy has been developed using County Regulations and IMSPA guidelines.
Children under 8 years of age must be supervised by a responsible person (must be 16 years of age minimum).
One responsible person may supervise two children under 8 years of age, provided that both children are at least 5 years of age.
Children of 4 years and under must be constantly supervised on a 1 : 1 basis.
Babies need to be at least 3 months old and have had their full set of immunisations. Babies under 1 year old need to be in constant ‘touch supervision’ on a one to one basis.
Entry will not be permitted during the final 30 minutes of the session.
Please note: persons in charge of children who appear to be under 16 years old may be asked for proof of age before being admitted to the pool.
The purpose of the admission policy
An admissions policy is required because Lifeguards can never replace the care and attention provided by a parent or guardian. The purpose of the child admissions policy is to safeguard children who use our swimming pool. It is not intended to prevent children having fun and enjoying the benefits associated with swimming. Nor is it intended to make life difficult for parents or guardians.